welcome to avicenna academy!

We teach your kids Islamic Culture while maintaining Canadian Educational Standards

Latest News

Avicenna Academy, a registered Charitable Islamic organization

Avicenna Academy is the first ever Islamic Nursery School in Manitoba in compliance with the Province of Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care’s regulations. This will ensure a high quality, continuous and uninterrupted service to our children. Families will be able to receive government subsidy, if eligible. We are located at 200 Dalhousie Drive, off Pembina Highway South. Our top priority is to provide the most needed service to our Muslim community in Winnipeg through teaching our children the Canadian curriculum along with Islamic education and Arabic language in a professional setting, delivered by certified childcare staff. Two periods are available: Morning (8:30 am to 12:30 pm) and Afternoon (1:00 pm to 5:00 pm).

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Fall Registration 2022

Registration for daycare, kindergarten and Grades 1 to 4 students for fall of 2022 is now open. Click below to register your children.

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Our Services

Elementary School

coming soon

Nursery School

Avicenna Academy Nursery School has been established to serve its surrounding communities. At Avicenna Academy, we strive to provide our children with a fulfilling, enriched and nurturing environment. Parents can keep their minds at ease knowing that their children will be provided with opportunities to learn through their daily life, while developing social, emotional, cognitive, physical and creative skills.

School Age Program

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Check out this explainer video!

Our school is the outcome of ambitious muslim women entrepreneurs that started the dream of building a unique education experience for our community!

Our Events

Our play-based learning is full of activities which we like to share with parents! We will regularly post activities and events so that you can engage in your little one's experience!

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Let us build together

Teaching your kids Islamic values while living in the west is a very challenging task. Our kids need to learn their culture while maintaining high Canadian standards of education. Avicenna Academy is a recognized educational institution led by experienced professionals to make our dream come true.

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Let us work together!

Our mission is to raise a generation, who value ethics, morals and knowledge rooted in Islamic teachings.

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